DEXPI initiative for common process industry data exchange strengthened via registered association
Posted on November 09, 2023
In late October 2023, the DEXPI initiative, which had been operating under the roof of DECHEMA, announced the establishment of a registered association called DEXPI e.V. Cadmatic is one of the founding members of the initiative, which strives to develop and promote a common data exchange for the process industry.
The common data exchange standard covers all phases of the plant lifecycle, from the specification of functional requirements to assets in service. The current focus of the DEXPI initiative is on the exchange of piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs).
Interoperability is a key focus area for Cadmatic
Interoperability is a cornerstone of the Cadmatic software development philosophy. According to Cadmatic Product Owner Liisa Rosenqvist, the DEXPI cooperation allows Cadmatic customers to ensure the reliability and integrity of the data that they get from different stakeholders, operational phases, and software systems.
“When you use DEXPI for smooth import of data into CADMATIC P&ID and Plant Modeller, it can shorten the time you use for the preliminary phase of your brownfield project. The P&ID data can be further used in CADMATIC eShare in the form of intelligently linked documents to the digital twin of the facility,” Rosenqvist explains.
Turn P&IDs into intelligent design documents with Semantum Model Broker and Cadmatic
Big industry players are behind DEXPI e.V.
The DEXPI e.V. foundation meeting was attended by representatives of the founding members including Aucotec, Autodesk, Aveva, BASF, Bayer, Cadmatic, Equinor, Evonik, Hexagon, IA, ITandFactory, WOtten, PNB, PTC, Semantum and Shell.
“We have worked hard until this day, and I am happy to see, that by today’s foundation of DEXPI e.V. the biggest players in the industry are embarking together on this passionate journey to create the future standard for the (petro)chemical plant lifecycle”, so the recently elected chair of the board Michael Wiedau, Head of Data Management and Analytics at Evonik.

The newly elected board of DEXPI e.V.: Reiner Meyer-Rössl, Wilhelm Otten, Michael Wiedau, Arndt Teinert, Reda Mostafa, Markus Herrmann, and Johan Immerzeel.