This training is meant for diagram key users and diagram administrators. User P&I Diagram training is required when participating in this course.
Elementary knowledge User P&I Diagram training
Total training days 3 days
Maximum participants 4 users
Day 1
- Administrator's tasks
- Setting up the project, shared settings, backups
- Database structure
- Database queries and listings
- Data Miner
Day 2
- Integration settings
- Diagram object templates, symbols
- Instruments
- Labels
Day 3
- Configuration scripts (set defaults, sheets, labels)
- Exercises: armatures, labels and sheets
- DEXPI mappings1
1. DEXPI Mappings - The DEXPI website at defines the objective of the DEXPI initiative to be "to develop and promote a general data exchange standard for the process industry", with a special focus on "the exchange of Piping and Instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs)".