Outfitting Design — Advanced user training

This training is meant for advanced 3D designers and project administrators. A Cadmatic Outfitting Design (Basic User) training is required when participating in this course and also some experience in the software (minimum 1 month of working with the Cadmatic software).

Elementary knowledge Cadmatic Outfitting Design (Basic User) training + 1 month of experience

Total training days  2 days

Maximum participants 4 users

Day 1

  • Making queries
  • Coordinate systems
  • Group types
  • Group definitions
  • 3D Spaces
  • Collision test definitions
  • Walk around & publish eShare/eBrowser models
  • Manage tasks
  • Reference view/drawings

Day 2

  • 3D Import manager (Interoperability, eXchangers)
  • 3D Model export
  • Elomatic tools1
  • Point cloud manager2
  • Manage integration objects (EDM, EPD, Electrical devices) PCF import/export3
  • Transfluid and Addison McKee link4
  • Weld tab5

1. Elomatic tools must be selected when installing CADMATIC.
2. Point Cloud Manager is separately licensed and must be ordered for on-site training.
3. PCF (Piping Component File) is a text file that contains component and routing information, the function requires a separate license.
4. Transfluid and Addison McKee link - function requires that you have a separate license ("Transfluid Interface" or "Addison McKee interface") for it and that "Transfluid Interface" was selected when installing CADMATIC.
5. Welds - The Weld tab of Plant Modeller contains tools for managing welds and welding documents. A separate Weld Management license must be ordered for on-site training.