This training is meant for support designers. A good knowledge of CADMATIC 3D Plant Design is required. A 3D Plant Design User training is therefore required when participating in this course, and also some experience in the software (minimum 1 month of working with the software).
Prerequisites: 3D Plant Design User training + 1 month of experience
Total training days: 1 day
Maximum participants: 4-8 users
- Terms (Location Plan, Support, Primaries and Secondaries) Create Location Plan
- Insert Primary supports
- Build Secondary supports (Standard, Custom, Wizard) Structural tab (Beam)
- Using the Support Designer1 with LISEGA LICAD2 Generate support drawings
1 Support Designer is a separately licensed tool that is only available if it was selected from the module list when installing CADMATIC.
2 Support Designer with LISEGA LICAD - use the Support Designer to create pipe supports such as hangers and clamp bases that are compatible with the LISEGA LICAD® software. You must have a working, registered LISEGA LICAD installation. For information on setting up the integration in CADMATIC, see LISEGA LICAD Supports.