This training is meant for administrating document production of CADMATIC 3D Plant Design. A good knowledge of CADMATIC 3D Plant Design is required. A 3D Plant Design User Training, Advanced User Training and Component Modeller training is therefore required when participating in this course.
Prerequisites: 3D Plant Design User training, 3D Plant Design Advanced User training, Component Modeller training
Total training days: 2-(4) days
Maximum participants: 4 users
- COS Schema
- Attributes & Attribute Classes
- Reserved tag names
- Coordinate references
- Object browser (queries, hierarchies, column views, etc) Document flow
- Material & Header files
- Excel Export Plus1
- Instructions controlling generation of documents (ICGD) Format control and Excel template
- Drawing Sheets (with & without BOM)
- Material file customizations (PmMfile & PiCustomMfile)
- Differences between PM and PI
- Label definitions
- Icons
- 2D symbols (text, general, symbol editor compatible) Labeling Styles
- Automatic Labeling settings
- 2D Stickers
- Coordinate labels
- Isometric name generation
- Isometric and Spool break rules
- Isometric settings
- Isometric Dimension style
- Drawing styles
- Lineweights
- Layer configuration
- Line Attribute styles
- Layer styles
- Export attributes
- Annotation Property Defaults
- Color pallet & Surface shading
- Drawing export configuration (for export to AutoCAD)
- Customizing eBrowser publish
1. Excel Export Plus - function enables different types of lists to be generated in Microsoft Excel format, is a separately licensed module that must explicitly be selected when installing the software.