Are Oy - Centralized license management facilitates the IT support for the Group
CADMATIC Draw is a basic work tool, which is automatically installed in all workstations.
Centralized licence management facilitates the IT support for the Group
Dozens of different information systems used in a big corporation give rise to a kind of “licence pool” which should be managed as efficiently as possible. Managing and monitoring this pool forms a part of IT support’s daily activities, but unnecessary extra work benefits no one.
Are Oy, the largest Finnish building engineering contractor utilises the versatile application systems of CADMATIC as a basic work tool, which is automatically installed in all workstations. ”It is part of the basic user profile that is available to all employees similarly with a personal e-mail address,” says Samuli Koivisto, the application system specialist from IT management of Are.
”And for us the CADMATIC's pricing is extremely cost-effective.” At the same time Koivisto also shows us a report of CADMATIC's usage during the previous month. ”The CADMATIC's reporting work tool is extremely useful in particular for information management. As you can see, a little over 100 users needed a licence last month.” As Are has in use more than 70 online licenses, 100 users do not cause a blockage yet.
”And we shall order more if we start receiving complaints that there is not enough licenses,” Koivisto assures. "Reporting is not the best feature of CADMATIC from the point of view of information management, however, but: CADMATIC is practically a fool proof work tool. In our experience it never has problems that the IT administration would have to solve. We are very pleased”, concludes Koivisto.
Jari Pynnönen, the Sales Director of CADMATIC deems the Group level customers crucial from the point of view of developing CADMATIC.”From large companies we receive different kind of information than from SMEs for developing the design system. But we wish to serve all companies regardless of their size as efficiently as possible”, Pynnönen adds.
Are Oy www.are.fi