Basic design webinar marine
Welcome to join us and learn valuable tips for fast ship arrangement creation and some new possibilities with CADMATIC Marine Design applications.
The general arrangement takes only a small number of hours of the shipbuilding project overall, but it constitutes the critical foundation for the whole project. CADMATIC software provides designers with intelligent tools to create 3D structures based on 2D sketches, 3D equipment layouts, and information sharing with all parties to evaluate possible designs. Key features of this approach are the option to define different design alternatives, specifically in the hull structure and in the main equipment layout, allowing more flexibility in the designing process.
In this webinar, we’ll have a few examples of modeling Hull structures using 2D/3D mixed approach, handling changes in design, the layout of equipment in Hull, P&ID and Outfitting applications, reusing designs in Hull and Outfitting library, and consolidating all data in eShare.
Welcome to join us and learn valuable tips for fast ship arrangement creation and some new possibilities with CADMATIC Marine Design applications.
The 45-minute webinar will take place on 20th January, 2022 at 9:30 CET. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the webinar.