Release Highlights 2024T2

Read 2024T2 release highlights and download the latest version in the customer portal.

Top Picks – what we’re most excited about in 2024T2!

Outfitting/3D Plant Design

  • P&ID View Integration: With the new P&ID view in Plant Modeller and Outfitting applications, users can insert valves and equipment directly from the P&ID view into the model. Pipe routing can now start directly from the P&ID drawing, providing a clear view of what is and isn’t in the 3D model.
  • Hull Insulation Visualization: Outfitting designers can now view hull insulation within the outfitting model, enhancing accuracy and design efficiency.
  • Data Protection Policies: Implement new policy settings to prevent unauthorized CX exports and protect modifications to the library, ensuring data security and integrity.


  • Electrical Instrument Integration: Seamlessly integrate instrument data from P&ID to Electrical with our new feature. The enhanced mapping definition ensures that relevant and desired data is easily accessible to electrical designers, streamlining the workflow and improving data accuracy.


  • Insulation Design: Introducing our new insulation feature, which allows users to design and optimize the thermal and acoustic insulation of ship structures. This enhancement helps reduce energy consumption, improve onboard comfort, and ensure compliance with regulations.
  • WBD Shop Manager: Our new WBD Shop Manager feature enables comprehensive planning and monitoring of the production process. By coupling location information on the shop floor with WBD branching naming, each part and assembly follows the correct production path in the correct order, boosting efficiency, quality, and traceability.

Information Management

  • Document markups in eShare: To strengthen the collaboration capabilities in eShare, you can now add document markups to any document viewed in eShare. Document markups can contain shapes, lines, arrows, text, and highlights to emphasize parts of the document and can then be shared with others in the project, who can view, edit, or add to the document markup.
  • Touch support in eShare: eShare in a browser now offers support for using touch controls in tablets and other touch-controlled devices. Touch support enables using eShare wherever you are: a construction site, a plant — whenever you need it.


  • Symbols window for CADMATIC Electrical Lite: Electrical Lite users now have the possibility to select, insert, and edit symbols in the Symbols window, taking the workflow to the next level! Furthermore, the introduction of the favorite symbol list makes your go-to symbols just a click away!
  • Symbol selection for protective devices: In the feeder dialog, users can now add symbols directly to protective devices. These symbols are dynamic, which means their appearance automatically changes as needed.
  • Wiring references and info insertion: Users now have the possibility to add information such as device descriptions and IDs for wiring references and incorporate the information into the drawing. Additionally, the information is also available in the DB tool, allowing for easy editing of larger amounts of data in a single view!

Outfitting / 3D Plant Design

P&ID view for 3D designers

Plant Modeller can now display a P&ID view for diagrams whose piping network has been published from P&ID into the 3D model. This view allows 3D designers to see the model from the perspective of the diagram designer, insert valves and equipment into the 3D model, locate already inserted components in the 3D model, and start pipe routing from an object in the P&ID view.

P&ID Diagram UI

Improved follow pipe

The 'follow pipe' feature has been enhanced and can now be utilized during pipe routing. Additionally, it comes with a new user interface for better ease of use.

P&ID Diagram UI

Rectangular ducts with inner or outer dimensions

For rectangular ducts, the software now allows the use of either the inner or outer dimension series. This provides more flexibility in defining duct sizes.

Hull insulation in Outfitting

The Outfitting model now includes insulation defined in the Hull model. This allows outfitting designers to visualize and understand hull insulation better.

Visually improved isometric drawings

Isometric drawings have been improved visually, making it easier to read and interpret them. This enhances the user's ability to understand and use these drawings effectively.

COS security enhancements

The software now includes enhanced data protection features. New COS policy settings have been added to prevent unauthorized CX data exports and imports, and to protect the library from undesired modifications.

Drafting improvements

Drawings where drafting elements are properly aligned with each other are usually easier to read and therefore much more usable. In 2D drafting, drawing designers can now position various object types more precisely than before by selecting a set of objects and then aligning their top, bottom, left or right sides. A single set can contain, for example, drawing objects, labels, and imported tables at the same time. 

Also, inserting additional labels of the same type is much easier now as the label definition can be picked from an existing label in the active drawing view.


Easier editing of diagram object data

Editing the data of multiple diagram symbols in the active diagram is easier now via the Properties pane. The default context menu, which is available when no specific diagram command is active, allows the diagram designer to select objects inside a box, objects along a connected route between two selected points, or objects that share the same system, line, or object type.

Drafting improvements

P&I diagrams where diagram symbols and other elements are properly aligned with each other are usually easier to read and therefore much more usable. In 2D drafting, diagram designers can now position various object types more precisely than before by selecting a set of objects and then aligning their top, bottom, left or right sides. A single set can contain, for example, drawing objects, labels, and imported tables at the same time.

Also, inserting additional labels of the same type is much easier now as the label definition can be picked from an existing label in the active diagram.


Advanced shell plate design

Realize your complex shell plate designs directly in the 3D environment. Our enhanced design capabilities turn your ideas into reality with seamless precision.

When creating and modifying shell plates, the shell plate relations can be selected in 3D environment in Hull Viewer. Asymmetric groups can be used as shell plate relations as well.

The Hull Viewer view is shown side by side with the regular shell view. Shell plates can be selected in either view, and the selections made in one view are immediately reflected in the other. Shell plates can also be modified without an active shell view, directly in Hull Viewer.

Hull UI

Grid values accepted in all design functions

All the dialogs in the design functions of CADMATIC Hull now accept grid values in the length, breadth and height input boxes when placing and modifying construction items. Also combinations of grid values and length units (mm/inch) are accepted. For example, values like B1+100 or W1 for breadth and H1+200 for height can be entered.

Brackets can be related to shell plates

Brackets that are related to the hull shape (hull lines) can also be related to shell plates. In this case the bracket contour will be adapted so that it follows the related shell plate. The correct bevel will be used.

The hull groups to which this feature is applied can be selected. This means that the feature can be activated for some specific hull groups, while for the other hull groups it can be deactivated.

Hull UI

Design and optimize insulation

It is now possible to define and optimize thermal and acoustic insulation of ship structures. Materials can be defined as insulation materials in CADMATIC Hull, and Outfitting designers can view the Hull insulation within the outfitting model in CADMATIC Plant Modeller.

This enhancement helps reduce energy consumption, improve onboard comfort, and ensure compliance with regulations.

New WBD Shop Manager feature for seamless production

Our new WBD Shop Manager feature enables comprehensive planning and monitoring of the production process. The generated Work BreakDown structure supports the production workflow by telling where each part or WBD branch should be located on the shop floor when the parts are assembled together. Logistical information can be updated based on the WBD structure.

By coupling location information on the shop floor with the WBD branch naming, each part and assembly follows the correct production path in the correct order, boosting efficiency, quality, and traceability.

Information Management

Document Markups in eShare

In addition to model markups which you have been able to add to 3D model to communicate and collaborate within a project, eShare now offers the possibility to do the same with any document viewed in eShare, be it a blueprint, a report, or a manual. After the project administrator has configured one or multiple document markup types for a project, and given permission to use them, you can create document markups containing different shapes (rectangle, ellipse, cloud), lines, arrows, text, or highlights, to emphasize, comment on, or assign tasks to other project members.

Information management UI

Document markups are visible by default in the document once it is opened, if two conditions are fulfilled: the document markup has the same revision as the currently open document, and if the document markup has been configured with a status attribute, document markups which do not have status Done, are visible. The visibility of the document markups can be selected using checkboxes in the properties pane of the document.

Information management UI

Document markups are visible in Home view, Recent markups widget, Search result table widget, and search, including a thumbnail of the document view when the document markup was created or last edited. If a document markup is referencing a managed or an indexed document, its name is visible in the search results.

Information management UI

In administration user interface, markup types are now divided into two different types, Model Markup Types and Document Markup Types for clear configuration.

Information management UI

Touch Support in eShare

It is now possible to continue using eShare seamlessly in touch-controlled devices, such as tablets, when you are, for example, visiting a construction site or a plant. You can use touch controls to view and manage project information, update statuses, add markups and measurements, assign tasks, and perform checks in eShare wherever you are. 

Information management UI

You are no longer tied to a desk with eShare, making managing projects and collaborating easier, faster, and even more convenient. You can use eShare anywhere as long as you have internet connection. Android and Windows tablets are supported.

Information management UI


Model queries return cable attributes and inherited hole request attributes

Web API model queries that use a 3D publishing control can now return cable attributes as well as attributes that hole requests have inherited from their containment.


Symbols window for Lite 

The Symbols window is now available in Electrical Lite, enabling users to easily select, insert, and edit symbols. However, to ensure a smooth shift to the new workflow, the old symbol menus are still available.

In the new window, symbols can be selected from the Electrical library or the active document. To improve efficiency, users can now mark their favorite symbols or list symbols from a closed document to make them quickly available. 

Electrical UI

Feeder dialog enhancements 

Until now, users have been able to select symbols for feeders – now, in Single-line and Schematics, we have enabled adding a symbol for the protective device as well. The protective device symbol is dynamic and changes its appearance, for example, based on the number of poles. The new protective device symbols will still appear in the database, and the information can be updated by users as needed.

Electrical UI

Improvements for storeys and spaces

Intelligent storey definitions have been used with IFC export and other 3D features for years. Starting from this release, you can use the storey definitions in load diagrams to show the storey and space where the feeder is located.

Storeys and spaces can be defined by importing an IFC file or by reading the spaces from external references (.drw or .dwg files). Importing space information from external references has been enhanced in this release as well.

Device properties 

Previously, symbols were defined when inserting them via the Symbols window and defining an ID for the device. Now, device symbols can be defined in device properties before creating any occurrences. 

Electrical UI

Wiring information in drawings and DB tool 

Changing project settings and the format of wiring references is already familiar from the previous releases. In 2024T2, users can finalize wiring references with device descriptions, device IDs, pins, and other desired information. Updates have also been done in the DB tool: a new References grid is now available, enabling the user to update the reference information there as well. 

Electrical UI

User interface and languages 

The ribbon user interface released earlier has been enhanced. For example, the integration icons have been updated to match the appearance of the other icons. Naturally, the development continues in the future as well.

Design languages have also been updated. The languages now added to the ever-growing list are Chinese, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, and Romanian. Therefore, symbol descriptions, for example, can now be shown in these languages.


The integrations between Electrical and other Cadmatic applications are constantly improved. In the integration between Electrical and Cable Router, for instance, the logic of cable removal has been changed: when removing cable occurrences in Electrical, the user can choose whether to identify new occurrences in the Electrical drawing instead of removing them.

Additionally, the enhanced mapping definition between P&ID and Electrical enables seamless instrument data integration and ensures that electrical designers have easy access to the relevant and desired data.

These functions only affect users with the integration set up. 

Smaller updates – nice to know 

  • Product models: You can copy product models via the Electrical window – there is no need to open the project product model list. 
  • Feeder numbering: You can now add feeder numbers in group management. Previously, mass editing was possible only in the DB tool. 
  • Select similar: With this function, you can find CAD objects with the same properties, for example symbols of the same type, in the drawing. 


New features 

Select similar is a quick new way to select all similar elements in the drawing. The selection is based on element properties, such as layer, color, or line type.

The visualization of snap points according to the snap mode makes it easier to select the desired snap point. The snap point is highlighted with color and geometry describing the mode.