CADMATIC Electrical Release Highlights 2024T2

Read 2024T2 release highlights and download the latest version in the customer portal.

Top Picks – what we’re most excited about in 2024T2!


  • Symbols window for CADMATIC Electrical Lite: Electrical Lite users now have the possibility to select, insert, and edit symbols in the Symbols window, taking the workflow to the next level! Furthermore, the introduction of the favorite symbol list makes your go-to symbols just a click away!
  • Symbol selection for protective devices: In the feeder dialog, users can now add symbols directly to protective devices. These symbols are dynamic, which means their appearance automatically changes as needed.
  • Wiring references and info insertion: Users now have the possibility to add information such as device descriptions and IDs for wiring references and incorporate the information into the drawing. Additionally, the information is also available in the DB tool, allowing for easy editing of larger amounts of data in a single view!


Symbols window for Lite 

The Symbols window is now available in Electrical Lite, enabling users to easily select, insert, and edit symbols. However, to ensure a smooth shift to the new workflow, the old symbol menus are still available.

In the new window, symbols can be selected from the Electrical library or the active document. To improve efficiency, users can now mark their favorite symbols or list symbols from a closed document to make them quickly available. 

Feeder dialog enhancements 

Until now, users have been able to select symbols for feeders – now, in Single-line and Schematics, we have enabled adding a symbol for the protective device as well. The protective device symbol is dynamic and changes its appearance, for example, based on the number of poles. The new protective device symbols will still appear in the database, and the information can be updated by users as needed.

Improvements for storeys and spaces

Intelligent storey definitions have been used with IFC export and other 3D features for years. Starting from this release, you can use the storey definitions in load diagrams to show the storey and space where the feeder is located.

Storeys and spaces can be defined by importing an IFC file or by reading the spaces from external references (.drw or .dwg files). Importing space information from external references has been enhanced in this release as well.

Device properties 

Previously, symbols were defined when inserting them via the Symbols window and defining an ID for the device. Now, device symbols can be defined in device properties before creating any occurrences. 

Wiring information in drawings and DB tool 

Changing project settings and the format of wiring references is already familiar from the previous releases. In 2024T2, users can finalize wiring references with device descriptions, device IDs, pins, and other desired information. Updates have also been done in the DB tool: a new References grid is now available, enabling the user to update the reference information there as well. 

User interface and languages 

The ribbon user interface released earlier has been enhanced. For example, the integration icons have been updated to match the appearance of the other icons. Naturally, the development continues in the future as well.

Design languages have also been updated. The languages now added to the ever-growing list are Chinese, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, and Romanian. Therefore, symbol descriptions, for example, can now be shown in these languages.


The integrations between Electrical and other Cadmatic applications are constantly improved. In the integration between Electrical and Cable Router, for instance, the logic of cable removal has been changed: when removing cable occurrences in Electrical, the user can choose whether to identify new occurrences in the Electrical drawing instead of removing them.

Additionally, the enhanced mapping definition between P&ID and Electrical enables seamless instrument data integration and ensures that electrical designers have easy access to the relevant and desired data.

These functions only affect users with the integration set up. 

Smaller updates – nice to know 

  • Product models: You can copy product models via the Electrical window – there is no need to open the project product model list. 
  • Feeder numbering: You can now add feeder numbers in group management. Previously, mass editing was possible only in the DB tool. 
  • Select similar: With this function, you can find CAD objects with the same properties, for example symbols of the same type, in the drawing. 


New features 

Select similar is a quick new way to select all similar elements in the drawing. The selection is based on element properties, such as layer, color, or line type.

The visualization of snap points according to the snap mode makes it easier to select the desired snap point. The snap point is highlighted with color and geometry describing the mode.