Release Highlights 2024T1
Read 2024T1 release highlights and download the latest version in the customer portal.
Outfitting / 3D Plant Design
Update existing piping isometrics
Changes in the 3D model can now be updated to piping isometrics without losing existing manually added or modified coordinates, labels, or free-text labels.

Isometric drawing settings with preview
When defining settings for piping isometrics, the administrator can use an existing isometric document to see a preview of how the changes in the settings affect the document.

Improved pipe routing
During pipe routing, the piping designer can select to follow another pipe, either one segment at a time or the whole pipe at once. There is still also a separate Follow Pipe tool, and it provides improved animation for both the existing pipe and the new pipe. In addition, pipe ends have four quadrant points that can be used in navigation.

Table import
Drafting tools now have tables as special entities that can be moved and stretched easily, and their appearance can be defined in a Table Style. Tables can be imported from Microsoft Excel files, and if the linked source file is changed later, the user is notified to update the contents.

Multi-editing in the property pane
The P&ID property pane now supports editing of multiple diagram objects at the same time. The user can select many objects of several types, and then use checkboxes to select which object types to include when editing the values of attributes that are common to the set.

Table import
Drafting tools now have tables as special entities that can be moved and stretched easily, and their appearance can be defined in a Table Style. Tables can be imported from Microsoft Excel files, and if the linked source file is changed later, the user is notified to update the contents.

Improved work breakdown structure
Saving the work breakdown (WBD) structure to COS has been streamlined so that levels which do not contain models are skipped. Such levels are also no longer shown in the Model tree in CADMATIC Plant Modeller. The Model tree is shown in the same way as the work breakdown structure is shown in Hull Viewer, with the real WBD level and Hull construction part names.

These changes are reflected in CADMATIC eShare as well, in the linking of the 3D models to Hull documentation.
Advanced shell plate design
When creating shell plates, the hull line relations can be selected in 3D environment in Hull Viewer. The Hull Viewer view is shown side by side with the regular shell view. Hull lines can be selected in either view, and the selections made in one view are immediately reflected in the other.

Improved profile sketch for bent face plates
The presentation of bending information in profile sketches for bent face plates has been improved so that there are less bending lines in the sketch, but with more bending information. The bending radius and angle are shown for each bending line. This makes the profile sketches more more readable, and the sketch contains enough information for producing the face plate without using the DXF file or the bending template.

Information Management
Submodels in Browser eShare
The possibility to divide larger models into smaller submodels has now been extended also to eShare in a browser. Submodels enable working with larger models as it allows viewing only one or multiple smaller parts of the complete model, which saves time and memory for more efficient workflow in shared projects.
Selecting and loading the submodels functions in the same way as in eShare App.

eShare models can be split into submodels with different types of configurations, based on attributes, filtering rules, geometry, or a combination of these. All of the submodels configured in the project are published during the model publish, which makes opening the submodels fast and smooth. This feature makes it easier to handle smaller parts of the project, without having to load the full model every time.
It is still possible for the project administrator to configure that the full model is not loaded at startup, but submodels are used instead by default.

If there is a link in the model to an object not present in any of the loaded submodels, eShare offers to load submodels containing the object.

Textured Meshes in eShare App (beta)
Textured meshes is now available in 2024T1 as a beta version. Textured meshes can be uploaded to eShare projects by the project administrator and viewed in eShare App. Textured meshes are traditional 3D objects representing the same data as point clouds. The advantage of textured meshes is that they generally perform better in drawing to 3D and look nicer depending on the data. Textured meshes and their data is not limited to scanner positions. A possible use case could be displaying outside scans of facilities created by a drone.

In administration user interface the textured meshes is on the same configuration view as point clouds, which has now been renamed as Point Clouds and Meshes.

Textured meshes behave in eShare similarly to point clouds and are displayed in the model tree. Custom hierarchies can also be created in configuration view, which is then reflected in the model tree.

Historical Data Source Widget
The project home view has acquired yet another widget type: historical data source widget. It can be configured to show data from a historical data source in the home view. It can be configured to show one or multiple graphs, which are named and a default graph can be set.

All historical data sources the user has access to in the project can be selected as the target data source for the widget. The configuration also includes settings for the time range of the graph, as well as data source parameters used for acquiring the data, depending on the type of the historical data source. If there are multiple graph options configured for the widget, the user can switch between the graphs using a drop-down menu for selection.

Dynamic model queries
The Web API can now run dynamic model queries that are not created or stored in COS but created on-the-fly when the query is sent to the Web API. The parts can optionally include connection points and material data.
Query filtering
The Web API query filters have been extended, and there are powerful new features:
- Support for regular expressions allows querying of complex string data.
- Set operations can be used, for example, to read data from multiple different object types.
- Query and reply filters now support arrays, which allows querying of nested structures returned by the API.
We are thrilled to announce the release of CADMATIC Electrical 2024T1 as one of the most significant user interface improvements in our history. In this release, we are introducing a completely new user interface based on the ribbon. We also wanted to standardize icons across the Cadmatic software portfolio and unify terminology. The transition to the ribbon presented an opportunity to implement these changes concurrently.
Once installed alongside the 2023 version, 2024T1 can be deployed for production and evaluation. Given its considerable transformation, we highly encourage users to take some time to familiarize themselves with the new UI before implementing it in commercial projects.
The following key enhancements are outlined in these release highlights:
- Ribbon UI
- A completely new Single-line toolset
- New document types
Ribbon user interface
In the ribbon, functions previously found in toolbars are now organized into structured tabs and groups. This arrangement ensures easy access to essential functions, with each button clearly labeled with its function name.

Why a ribbon?
The primary objective of the new ribbon user interface is to make the software more intuitive. By grouping the features according to the types of documents they are designed to produce, users will always have the right functions available, which decreases the time spent finding the right command in each situation. In addition, it displays a wider range of functions in an organized manner, enabling users to discover additional workflows and functions more easily.
The visual outlook of the new user interface makes the software easier to learn and use. As mentioned, the buttons are easier to find with the new structure, and the informative tooltips give guidance on what each feature does. However, to make it even easier to find the right features, we have added a search bar which allows you to search for any feature in the software and either point out where it is located or run the feature.

To improve usability, we've introduced a new toolset named Single-line, which includes the functionality of the former Distribution Board application, as the distribution board document serves as a variant of a single-line document.
The Single-line features allow users to create various documents (single-line, load diagram, and distribution diagram). Existing customers who previously only had the Schematics application will now automatically receive the new Single-line toolset and have access to all its functions. This means that all the single-line functions formerly found in Schematics can now be accessed in Single-line, in addition to new features such as a new symbol library designed to enhance engineering capabilities.

Other document type changes
In line with the logic of the Single-line change, we have renamed the document type associated with Schematics to “Multi-line”. This toolset is now intended for all types of multi-line documents, including connection diagrams, termination diagrams, and schematic style diagrams.
To improve clarity and better match the document's purpose, we've decided to update the document type “Layout, schema” to “Arrangement (not in scale)”. This change ensures a more precise reflection of the document's intended use.

Other improvements
Most of the other enhancements introduced in 2024T1 serve to support the features described above. For instance, we have implemented improvements to the cable package functionality to better support the Single-line toolset and simplify the process of creating multiple parallel cables simultaneously.
More information about the other improvements is available in the release notes.
What next
We want to highlight the significant updates that CADMATIC Electrical has in this release. The user interface is completely new, and that’s why we strongly advise all users to familiarize themselves with it prior to incorporating it into commercial projects. This proactive approach ensures a seamless transition to the updated interface, facilitating uninterrupted delivery of high-quality projects.
We understand the importance of providing comprehensive support to our users as they adapt to the new version of CADMATIC Electrical. To facilitate this transition, our team of experts has created a collection of recorded training sessions. These videos are designed to offer step-by-step guidance, making it easier for users to acquaint themselves with the updated features and functionalities.
The recorded training sessions are available here.
Additionally, we are constantly creating more training videos and short tutorials, planning new webinars, and updating the current e-learning materials to share our knowledge on the new user interface and help you succeed with it! Of course, you can always reach out to us, and we will guide you in any challenges you are facing.
If you haven’t yet watched the webinars where we explain the reasoning behind the user interface, it’s a great way to get started with the new CADMATIC Electrical. The webinars are available here and here.
The CADMATIC Draw 2024T1 release focuses primarily on taking the user experience to a new level with several usability-related improvements.
The main user interface has undergone a complete transformation. Our new ribbon-based user interface provides a more intuitive and simplified approach to using the program's functions. We've modernized and harmonized the icons across all applications. Moreover, we've refreshed the program's themes, now offering a choice between a light or dark theme. In addition, we've incorporated a convenient search feature into the program.
The command line has also been renewed, enabling the drawing area's full size to be effectively maximized.
In addition to the interface overhaul, we've introduced entirely new features, such as the following:
- The View Cube optimizes the control of views and visualization settings. Located in the upper right corner of the drawing area, the View Cube makes it easy to switch the direction of the view or adjust the shading mode.
- The new alignment line function (xline) allows users to create infinitely long line elements, which are invaluable in various alignment operations.