Release Highlights 2023T3
Read 2023T3 release highlights and download the latest version in the customer portal.
Outfitting/3D Plant Design
Group types for isometric drawings
Creating a new isometric group for piping parts will now assign the isometric group into the currently active isometric group type. An isometric group types represents a particular design phase where isometric drawings are created for a specific purpose in a distinctive style, and thus each isometric group type can be set up separately in regard to sheet size, annotation settings, dimensioning style, and so on. This allows, for example, isometrics that are used in stress analysis to look different from isometrics that are used in production. There are three different isometric group types, and the administrator can name them according to their purpose.

Dimension styles for isometric drawings
Creating a new isometric dimension style for automatic annotation opens a revised settings dialog that has more extensive options for choosing what kind of dimensions to display in isometric drawings. Now it is possible, for example, to not show the overall dimensions and only dimension the details, such as reducers, gaskets, and supports.

Slide and rotate branch components
New pipe commands allow moving or sliding a branch component so that the component remains connected to the main run.

Insert tangential branch pipes
There is a new pipe routing command for inserting tangential branches into main runs.

Part numbers in 3D
Part numbers that have been assigned to drawing objects can now be seen as part attributes in the Plant Modeller property pane, and the information can also be included in 3D model export to eBrowser and eShare.

Compare publication to current document
After publishing a document, the publication can be compared with the current, checked-in version of the document.

Simplification tools in STEP import
After installing the new CADMATIC Simplifier tool, in STEP file import the user can define how much to simplify the imported geometries. Geometry simplification can be used to reduce the file size of the imported models, which streamlines equipment integration processes, speeds up modeling and document production, and allows production to be started faster. The tool requires a separate license.

Field weld and extra-length labels for piping
Field weld and extra length labels can be generated to piping drawings by adding the tags "Field weld at node" (.KU) and "Extra length at node" (.KT) to an "Object & Connection" or "Connection" label. The tag values of a connection node can be seen on the Connections tab of the Plant Modeller property pane.
New editor for SQL data of P&ID objects
The P&ID application has a new data editor that allows multiple data fields of multiple diagram objects to be edited at the same time. In the editor, selecting one of the currently open diagrams lists all the objects of that diagram in table format, arranged into categories based on object type and sub-type. Every column in the data table has a column filter, which allows the required objects to be found quickly. In addition to allowing the user to edit one or more fields manually, the dialog supports exporting and importing of values in Microsoft Excel format. The editor dialog can remain open while doing other tasks, and it can also be docked to the main application window.

COS attributes to diagram labels and listings
Diagram labels and listings can now request data directly from COS attributes by referring to the COS attribute tag. This allows diagrams to show data from systems, pipelines, EDM objects, GDLs, parametric models, catalog parts, dimension tables and part sizes, so there is no longer a need to transfer COS data to SQL fields.

OCX model ready for class approvals
The 3D model generated with the Export to OCX function is ready to be used for class approvals. This export function generates a 3D model in OCX XML format directly from the design data created in CADMATIC Hull. The 3D model can be submitted for class approval instead of delivering a large number of 2D drawings.
In the 2023T3 release, the user has more control over the exporting of hull lines, and the topology of plate-to-profile relations has been improved. The export function is now available also in the Shell application within CADMATIC Hull.
Smoother assembly with improved WBD structure and sketches
Several changes have been made in the work breakdown structure and work breakdown sketches to make assembly smoother. There are improvements in the readability of the sketches and in the handling of the work breakdown sequence when parts are auto-numbered.
The work breakdown structure now allows multiple branches to have the same name. The user can select up to which level branch sketches are generated. It is also possible to generate just one sketch for panels that have the same part number.
An additional rotation option gives more control over the view direction of the sketches, and extra part labels can be added manually. Lower-level models inserted in a sketch are automatically adjusted so that the part labels are presented more clearly. The part table in the sketch can be made more compact by merging some of the WBD branches into just one column.
Sketch generation has been made more efficient, and the system notifies the user when it seems that many low-level sketches would be unnecessarily created using the current settings.

Saving to COS possible for multiple active users
Saving a block's construction data to the COS environment is possible even when multiple active users are working on the block. Similarly, getting construction data is possible when there are multiple active users in the block.
With this improvement, designers can work on the same block simultaneously in all situations. For example, when a user has forgotten to leave the block or when there is another user performing a lengthy operation on the block involving getting or saving construction data.
Information Management
Modern Administration User Interface
Renewed administration user interface is now available as the default. The modern user interface includes all the features and functionalities that were available in the classic user interface but with several improvements to usability and enhanced workflow.

AI Assistant
eShare has in-built possibility to contact large language model AIs, which can for now be used to help administrators in creating scripts and regular expression patterns, checking the accuracy, and identifying compilation or syntax errors.

Multi-level Dynamic Hierarchies
Multi-level dynamic hierarchies enable organizing the model tree with a variety of dynamic categorizations and hierarchies, which can be combined as a single hierarchy. This feature can provide useful, for example, in different areas of production planning.
Customizable eShare Home View
The project home view has gone through a makeover and now boasts customizable tabs, which can be configured with widgets for either personal use or shared project use for all projects users by an administrator. In this version the available widgets are project information, latest markups and search results table. Search results table widget is refreshed every time the home view is opened to show the latest results. More widgets are to be added in the following versions.

Search Results as Table
Search results are now shown as a table by default. The new format offers more possibilities for organizing, sorting, and filtering the data. The shown columns can be selected and even data sources can be included as columns. Saved search results configured to be shown as table can also be added as a widget to a custom tab in project home view. We continue to offer also the possibility to show the search results as a list.

Split Screen in eShare
The Model view in eShare and eShare App has a new button for the Split Screen feature, which enables you to select to show two eShare views side by side. You can select to view Model-Map, Model-Document, or Model-Search. The screen ratio of the views can be customized to best suit your needs.

Improvements to Point Clouds in eShare App
The usability of point clouds in eShare App has been significantly improved for an even better user experience. The improvements include plane detection of the snap feature, smoother movements in the model view, and the possibilities of viewing the map and model side-by-side with the Split Screen feature. We have also added support of E57 files with camera locations.
Server-Based Scenes in eShare and eGo
All scenes created by the user for personal use, or by an administrator to be shared with all project users, are now saved on the eShare server to enable using and modifying them across different devices, as well as in both browser and eShare App. The scenes in eShare are also synchronized to eGo.

Azure AD Authentication
eShare server now enables authentication using either Windows Active Directory or Azure Active Directory. This major improvement enables using eShare in cloud and allows for futher integration to Cadmatic products. It is now possible to authenticate to cloud eShare using any e-mail account after is has been configured to the system by an administrator.
Network Licensing Support for eGo
In addition to the existing eGo device management, we have created another, simplified process. A system administrator can now add the activation key once for all eGo devices in eShare. An eGo device can then automatically acquire the activation key needed for licensing with the license server, when it connects to the eShare server for the first time. A monthly online verification of the eGo license is done in the same way to enable smoother, uninterrupted use.
In 2023T3, we have mainly focused on further improving the features already introduced in earlier releases. Electrical has been developed extensively, and future development needs have already been considered.
Some improvements apply only to certain application levels (Premium/Basic/Lite).
Load diagrams
In our previous releases, we have made minor changes to the Schematics application and its group functions. Now, you can create load diagrams. The load diagrams include protective device information, cable information and the supplying busbar, for example.

Additional information from reference drawings
There are more and more use cases for additional information, and usage has increased enormously. Now, it is possible to add additional information to reference drawings.
The reference drawing can be in its own directory, as usual, in which case the IP boundaries defined for a space are created for the device and can be edited afterwards device-specifically. If the drawing file has been added to a project (another drawing file in the project, for example), all additional information specified for the project is available and can be edited just like any additional information specified for a device.
Additional information boundaries coming from reference drawings are especially helpful in multi-user environments, when the same boundaries are needed in several drawings. For example, the IP boundaries can affect many different systems (audio and electrical devices).
Product models
In Electrical Premium, we have enhanced the use of product models. The same functions are now available in the right-click menu in both the layout mode and the design mode. Symbols are naturally inserted in the design mode.

With product models, it is possible to utilize product information, which can be added either from the general databases or from the databases created by the user. However, different product databases may contain the same product information under the same item codes, while the references in the databases are different (project database and shared database). Therefore, product information can now be replaced from another product database if the item code is the same. The function also replaces references and checks the product information under the same item codes, removing the excess information.
Wiring and cabling functions
In Layout, you can now add your own running cable ID in the wiring function. The ID is run if the user has selected to attach wiring data as active and has entered the first ID.
In Schematics, the usability of the wiring functions has been improved. The wiring function settings that the user has selected remain in the program's memory and are restored when the wiring tool is restarted.
DB reports and the DB tool
Some changes have been made to report queries from the database. The columns Filename and Sheets have been added to the following list types:
- Terminal internal connections
- Wire harnesses
- Wirings by devices
- Terminal strip connections
- All single wirings

XML has been added as a new report export type. XML files allow you to conveniently transfer data between CADMATIC Electrical and another system. New report templates have been created for the new export type. XML reports can also be saved to a project, in which case you can then assign a label and additional information on the Documents tab in DB. Furthermore, you can update the XML reports just like any other reports.
In the DB tool, you can now select User’s selection list from the drop-down menu. Previously, the user selection list was only available at the bottom of the project tree.

In addition, the DB tool filtering functions have been improved and the logic related to opening the project tree and remembering the selections have been corrected.