Release Highlights 2020T2
Read 2020T2 release notes and download latest version in customer portal.
Endpoints for getting P&ID EPD objects from project database
The CADMATIC Web API has endpoints for getting a list of EPD objects from the project database. This allows a Web API client to retrieve, for example, a list of all valves, instruments or equipment that exist in CADMATIC P&ID and have a position ID. Also the object attributes are retrieved.
- /api/{project}/epds allows getting all EPD objects or just those that have Instrument Position Id, Equipment Position Id, or Valve Position Id.
- /api/{project}/epds/read allows getting the EPD objects of specified COS OIDs.

P&I Diagram
New P&ID object type: Terminator
Diagram designers can now use a new P&ID object type called “Terminator”. The function of a terminator is to designate an end of a pipe run that is not going to be connected to any other diagram object. A terminator can be used, for example, when the pipe end is used for flushing or draining, for taking samples, or for air removal.
This new object type makes it possible for P&ID to provide more accurate data model to 3D and to remove unnecessary errors from consistency check.

Support for additional specifications
Systems and Pipelines can now be configured to use five different specifications instead of just three.

Outfitting/3D Plant Design
Sister project management
When starting a new design project, it can be beneficial to copy reusable elements from a previously completed project. This is especially so when needing to build a series of similar ships or plants, that is, “sister projects”. Typically, the design and construction of the “younger sister” utilizes the design of the “older sister”, and thus the younger sister should have a considerably shorter lead time and fewer design hours consumed. The challenge in the past has been that when the design of the younger sister needs to start, the design of the older sister is not even near completion. The younger sister shares many things from the older sister but in practice is never a direct copy of the older sister.

CADMATIC 2020T2 introduces Sister Project Management—a set of tools that make it easier to handle the design work of multiple ongoing projects and to ensure that the necessary design changes are copied from the earlier project to the new project.
In Plant Modeller, the Sister Project Management menu contains tools for creating sister projects and managing the synchronization of 3D model objects and documents between the projects.

When a new project is created and designated as a younger sister project of the older project, Plant Modeller starts to track the changes that occur in the older sister from this point onward.
The objects that are included in the scope of sister project management are all the documents and a set of selected 3D model objects. The 3D object selection is based on a query to the 3D database (uses Model Query COS objects).
The documents and the 3D objects and groups that are in the scope are copied from the older sister to the younger sister as read-only “linked” documents and 3D objects. As the copying is repeated in the course of the project, the linked objects are updated according to the changes in the older project.
Linked documents and objects will eventually be unlinked in the younger sister by the designers of the younger sister. This makes the objects editable and allows them to function as if they had originally been created in the younger sister. The best time for the unlinking is normally as late as possible, to benefit from any late changes in the older sister. Unlinking can be done per object, except certain fixed document hierarchies are unlinked as clumps, for example piping isometrics & spools with their associated group and 3D model objects.
Sister project management is at this point in piloting phase, and it is not meant for production use.
3D editing permissions based on location and object type
In the Plant Modeller area, it is now possible to limit the user’s ability to make changes to the 3D model based on model coordinates and/or object type designation.
In the Set Model Area Access Rights dialog, the user can define a 3D edit box that is smaller than the current model area. Objects that are at least partly outside this box will still be visible, but the user is not able to check out or edit those objects.

The user’s permissions can also be limited by selecting a Model Area Access Rule that allows the user to modify only those objects whose type is defined in the related model query. Project administrator can create new access rules and see which Plant Modeller areas are using the rules.

New, optimized CADMATIC point cloud format
CADMATIC Point Cloud v3 (*.cpe) is the new native point cloud format used by CADMATIC applications. All imported non-native point cloud files are automatically converted into this optimized format. The older CADMATIC format (*.cpd files) can still be imported without conversion, but using the new format has many benefits:
- Plant Modeller can import multiple scans at the same time and merge them into a single .cpe point cloud file. This allows the user to activate or deactivate the whole cloud with a single click and the merged .cpe is easy to transfer to other CADMATIC applications.
- Plant Modeller views can draw the point cloud incrementally and the rendering can be interrupted. This allows the user to interact with the model without having to wait for the whole point cloud to be loaded.
- Much smaller file size.
Tools for managing COS objects in Support Designer
Especially in large, replicated projects it can happen that a designer intends to modify a support in the Support Designer but cannot do it right away because the ownership of some of the objects is currently in some other COS server. To address this problem, Support Designer now has comprehensive tools for managing the COS status of supports.
In the Manage Location Plan COS Status and Manage Support COS Status dialogs, the user can see the COS status of all objects and object groups that relate to supports. The user can try to transfer all the ownerships to the local server, and if that is not possible, at least they can see where the ownerships are and can then try to get the respective owners to relinquish the objects.

“Plant Modeller for Electrical 3D” seats available for CADMATIC Plant/Outfitting
The CADMATIC Outfitting module for electrical 3D design is now available also for CADMATIC Plant. Starting from 2020T2, the Plant Modeller area to be created is called "Plant Modeller for Electrical 3D", also in Outfitting (where it used to be “Plant Modeller for Electrical Design”).

Improved support for editing cable routes manually
The Modify Route function of Cable Router now allows the user to define the exact route of the cable by setting the cable to go via specific nodes instead of auto-routed nodes. This can be used, for example, when there are multiple cable trays in the same location and the cable should not go via the shortest route. When using this tool to assign the cable to specific cable nodes, each node gets an ordinal number that is stored in the cable.

In addition, it is now possible to reverse the direction of the cable by switching around the head and tail assignment of the equipment the cable is connected to.

Improved visualization of rotated valves in isometric drawings
In Piping Isometrics & Spools, automatic annotation can be used to add Valve Operator labels to isometric drawings, so that the direction of the spindle can easily be seen from the drawing.

Support for additional specifications
Pipelines and Duct Lines can now be configured to use five different specifications instead of just three.

Two Hull Versions
There are now two versions of CADMATIC Hull: The classic version that relies on the HDX (Hull Data eXchanger) system for managing project data, and the new version that relies on the COS (Common Object Storage) system.
In the COS system, COS servers distribute data between the main and satellites sites using a Hull COS Agent (a Windows service). There is a single replication mechanism and a single user management system.

The connection between Hull and Outfitting is improved, both in terms of setup and integration.
The functionality of the Hull applications is the same in both versions, except for some COS related features. The differences are in project setup, storing and managing Hull project data, and handling requests for holes.
For example, there is a new Hole Management mechanism that enables faster and more reliable communication between Hull and Outfitting. Furthermore, COS enables new powerful features such as an integrated Work Breakdown (WBD) management, revision control and efficient reuse of data.
Hull-Outfitting integration is now handled via check in and check out operations instead of sending construction from Hull to outfitting. This ensures that data in distributed projects is protected from being modified at multiple sites at the same time.
The COS version is at this point in piloting phase, and it is not meant for production use.
Hull GUI Improvements
Several improvements were made in text placement and character display in dimensions and annotations in drawings, as well as in the printed output.
Shell Application
Standard Holes for Shell Plates
Standard holes can now be added to shell plates in the same way they are added to inner construction, and they can also be modified in the same way.

Standard holes on shell plates can also be moved and copied in all directions, also by using rotation.

Dimensions Along Curved Lines
Dimensions can now be placed along all kinds of curved lines on a shell plate, hull lines and grid lines for example.

Short Dimensions in Perpendicular Shell Views
It is now possible to place short dimensions also in perpendicular shell views. This means that short dimensions do not need to be orthogonal, but can be slanted. Short dimensions can be added for all the directions.

2D Items Rotate when Shell View Is Rotated
When rotating shell views in Drawing Properties, 2D items such as dimensions, hatches, pin-jigs, part labels, profile symbols, texts are now also rotated.
Production Features
New Method for Amplitude Calculation
There is a new method to calculate the amplitude when checking shell frame and face plate shapes for displacement in height. The new method calculates the real amplitude per meter inside the shell. The previously existing method of calculating the amplitude outside of the shell remains, and is the default.

Robot Nesting Is Re-Introduced
The former Robot Nesting functionality in the 3D-Contek application has been re-introduced. With this function it is possible to generate a single robot file that contains nesting data for multiple profiles.

All Logistical Fields Available for Weld Reports
All logistical fields, including manually added logistical fields, can now be used in the Weld Manager configuration files and also in the Excel template for weld traceability reports. This makes it possible to include any logistical field in weld reports.
Improvements in NAPA Steel Import
Importing a NAPA Steel model to CADMATIC Hull has been further improved. More structural item types and more part properties are taken into account in the import. For example, pillars are now included in the import, and NAPA brackets and cutouts can be converted to Hull bracket and cutout subtypes.

Information Management
Markups support custom types and can be assigned to users
eShare project administrators can now create custom Markup Types. In the Markup Type configuration, administrator can define which user groups are allowed to see, create, modify and delete the Markups, specify whether the Markups can be assigned to a specific user in eShare or eGo, and select which additional data attributes to show in the Markup properties.
This enables, for example, each design discipline to have their own Markups that all other disciplines can see but only the authorized users are able to create and modify.
If the configuration allows the Markups to be assigned, there is an Assignee field in the Markup properties in eShare and eGo, allowing the Markup to be assigned to a user or be set as unassigned.

Document link highlighting based on any visual style
eShare project administrators can now configure the highlight color of the 3D model links in documents to be based on any visual style. That is, the coloring can now be based also on Model Attribute Categorization, Data Source Categorization or Smart Point Type, while previously it could only be based on the existence of the model object or on a Status Tracking value.
This enables, for example, the color of the links in a P&I diagram document to indicate purchasing status obtained from an ERP system.
Download single or multiple documents, with or without model links
eShare’s Documents view now allows the user to select multiple documents and then download them as a .zip file. Both single and multiple documents can be downloaded without the links to the 3D objects.

Use eShare or eGo to access documents of any type
eShare project administrator can configure eShare to provide access to document types that the internal document viewer cannot open. When such documents are listed in eShare or eGo, the user can select the document to be opened in the relevant third-party application (for example, a .docx file in Microsoft Word) or download the document. In eGo, the eShare Documents list displays these documents in a slightly different color.

New, optimized CADMATIC point cloud format
CADMATIC’s new, optimized point cloud file format (*.cpe) allows the points to be drawn incrementally and the rendering to be interrupted any time, so that the point cloud can be quickly visualized as the user is moving around in the model.
The new point cloud format is supported in eBrowser, eShare and eGo. eShare requires the .cpe file to contain scanner positions and eGo only shows point clouds that it can download from eShare.

Cables in eBrowser
Plant Modeller can publish .ebm models that contain the cables defined in the Cable Router module, and the published cable routes and cable attributes can then be viewed in eBrowser. This allows information about the cabling to be obtained much faster, as it is no longer necessary to open Plant Modeller just for this purpose.
In eBrowser, the user can select a cable object (cable node, cable segment, head equipment, tail equipment) and view its details. Also the associations between cable objects and other model objects are included; if the object whose details are being viewed relates to one or more cables, each cable's details are shown as a separate, collapsible section (similar to nodes).

eBrowser view in Virtual Reality
In eBrowser, it is now possible to select the current view to be opened in a Virtual Reality headset, just like the Inspection View of Plant Modeller.
The VR view only shows the objects that are currently visible in eBrowser. While the VR view is open, the user can show or hide objects and change the camera position in eBrowser and then update the view to VR.
To use this feature, the user must install the Steam client and SteamVR on the computer where eBrowser is run and have an OpenVR headset such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Windows Mixed Reality.

The Find and Check functionality improves searching for objects in Electrical
With the new version, there is a big improvement in Electrical to search for different objects. The most visible of these is the Find tab that appears in the Electrical Project tree. The function includes various auxiliary functions for finding objects, as well as the possibility to create and view the user's own selection list. Other new features support the Project tree.
Check functions have been redesigned
The check functions in the function menu vary from application to application and the most common needs are included in the list. Some of the existing functions have been renewed. Some are completely new requests from customers. The first User Selection list in the menu can be found in all applications.

The check functions always make a list of the objects found in a tree-like list. The check is always done for the entire project, you can filter the list to contain only the objects in the drawing. This feature is especially useful when you want to focus on situations found in a drawing and correct them.
Objects in the list can be set for grip edit, displayed in a drawing, displayed in the object tree, or exported to the user selection list using either the tool buttons or the functions found in the context menu of the tree. For example, the ‘Show in Tree’ command for an unconnected cable displays the same cable in the cable type tree, the context menu contains an additional function for editing the cable in question.

Unlike the prior functions, the objects in the list are not automatically highlighted. If desired, objects are displayed from the drawing and they can be displayed again at any time. This is how you can fix the problem found in the meantime, while at the same time the object can be approved or removed from the tree and the remaining objects displayed again.

User selection list is bidirectional
The user selection list already existed before, but only in the DB Tool. Now the functionality is bidirectional and has changed slightly. In the future, you can add objects to the selection list from the drawing, the Find tree, or the DB Tool. Exporting to the selection list is of the addition type and it can be cleared if desired. Before exporting always also cleared the list. The new function can therefore be used to compile your own selection list in the desired way.
Filtering by time has been added to the Creator and Modifier fields of the DB Tool. This allows the user to easily filter all objects they add or change after a certain time in the DB Tool. Filtered objects can be exported to a user's selection list, which can be searched for in the drawing, using the new Find tree. In the future, the user will be able to move the listing resulting from any filtered combination from the DB Tool to the CAD software for searching and checking.
Compare document versions
You can now also find a document comparison tool in the document tree. This function allows you to compare two freely selected files, i.e. practically two different versions of the same document. The result is displayed as a pdf document, with the new items marked in green and the removed ones in red, in addition, all changes are highlighted. The end result is thus an illustrative picture, for example, changes to two different revisions of the reference drawing. Even if the function starts from the document tree and is selected as the reference document, the files can be selected freely. The comparable pair can be DRW / DWG drawings, Excel spreadsheets as well as already printed PDF files. The DRW - PDF combination works especially when you want to compare the active working document with the previous PDF publication, for example when you want to check whether all changes were marked with revision markings.

Modular generation
Alongside the existing Excel generation, a new way of generating plans, modular generation, has been published. While Excel generation is an extremely flexible and quick-to-implement approach, it is limited to creating CAD drawings. In modular generation, the module (template drawing) may also contain database data. Therefore, each module is like an independent project. These modules are copied and thus a smart project with CAD drawings and reports (part lists, cable lists, connection lists, etc.) is created as the final product. It allows for module-based reception.
Modular generation brings the familiar approach of Excel generation into making smart projects. Through the modules, certain entities can be standardized, and procedures can be harmonized. The goal is to copy the repetitive mass with all its information (product information, additional information, plates, etc.). For quality checks of the resulting project, exactly the same database functions can be used as if the drawings had all been copied manually or produced by traditional methods.

Integrations with other CADMATIC products
The revision also includes the first functionalities of integrations with other CADMATIC products.
Plant Modeller
CADMATIC Electrical (EAC 18) software has an integration with CADMATIC Plant Modeller. The cables created in Electrical software can be sent to COS and to Plant Modeller as Diagram cables. It is easy for the Cable Router user to start creating cables in the 3D model and routing them to 3D model cable ways. Information from Cable Router like the routed length or additional status or note attributes can be updated back to Electrical software as valuable additional data for their designs and calculations.
WebAPI and P&ID
Equipment, instruments and valves that are created from an external integrated system via the CADMATIC WebAPI as EDMs (External data management objects) or are created from P&IDs as EPD (Externally Provided P&I Data) objects to CADMATIC COS can be imported as devices to the CADMATIC electrical project. Their attributes can be mapped to the desired attributes in Electrical. This makes it easier to start electrical design for objects that already exist in a CADMATIC project. It can help to save time compared to importing lists or manually inputting and also improve the quality of design and ensure that data is the same in different places.
Cadmatic Electrical documents can be published to eShare with working links in the eShare 3D model.
Other minor improvements
The revision also includes many minor improvements in several areas as well as bug fixes. The most visible of these improvements to the user are:
1. Elevation markings: The installation height (relative or absolute) can be selected individually per marking. (subscription-by-subscription basis)

2. Application-specific drawing templates: The default settings for different applications can be specified in the project settings

3. Support for group information has been added to the plate configuration.