Release Highlights 2018T3
Version 2018T3 focuses on accuracy in detailed 3D design and aims to helps users to speed up everyday tasks. Here is an executive summary of the main highlights:
Assign pipeline to Instruments
It is possible to assign pipeline information to instruments.
Improved Drafting capabilities
Several additions to drafting in the Diagram module allow more flexibility:
- It is now possible to move custom symbols.
- Additional assistance when joining lines for easy selection lines.
- New piperun diagram labels are automatically vertical when selected piperun point is vertical.
Outfitting & Plant Design
Instance parameters
Instance parameters provide more flexibility for use of parametrized equipment or standard components.
A component model for equipment or a standard component (GDL) is like a recipe for creating a 3D item. With parameters, users can create a series of geometrically similar models. Defining parameters as instance parameters allows values to be assigned to the parameter at the point of locating it in the 3D. The user can attach a picture with an explanation about the dimensions or a catalog photo of the component.
For example, the same valve can have actuators mounted in different positions affecting the service space needed for the reservation. Previously, it was necessary to define two valves in the library and to select the required valve to locate in the 3D. With instance parameters, it is possible to use the same model and adjust the values of the parameters, thereby affecting this way the component and its service space look in 3D when inserted.
Additions in Component Modeller
Several new additions to Component Modeller aim to help users to make components as quickly and conveniently as possible. Besides support for instance parameters with the possibility to restrict values with constraints and add pictures to the component or to individual parameters, it is now possible to define the mass and center of gravity. It is possible to define mass, operational mass or maximum mass and pick COG or define it with parameters. The center of gravity will be visually marked in the preview of the component in the library.
Visualize data about objects in work views - Object identifiers in 3D
In version 2018T3, it is possible to add quick annotations to 3D views with a keyboard shortcut (Shift + Alt + L). Labels will be placed on equipment, valves and pipelines and will remain in place while the user navigates the model. This makes it possible to quickly add labels to views during design to identify every object or print shaded views with labels as needed for installation or other purposes. All labels will be placed automatically and updated according to changes in the model.
Inspection view in Plant Modeller
The new inspection view allows user to see the same model at the same time in an eBrowser-like view. The view will be updated automatically as modeling work progresses. The user can choose the navigation mode, that feels the most comfortable. The view is floating and can be placed on a second monitor, for example.
Adding objects identifiers in 3D is also possible in the inspection view, as with work views. It is convenient not only to browse the model, but also to immediately get information about the objects in a view.
Assistance in inserting similar standard components during model creation
While inserting standard components into the 3D model, it is now a possible to pick their properties from objects that are already in the model. For example, during modelling the user needs to insert a valve of the same type as one that is already in a nearby pipeline. Instead of stopping routing and querying the component and further searching for the same one in the specification, it is now possible with one click to pick properties of the existing component while the program searches for it in the specification of the current pipeline and adjusts it to the current situation, for example, by selecting the correct nominal size etc. The selection of the components will remain specification driven, however users can speed up their everyday work by eliminating the need to check and search in the specification.
There is therefore no need to remember what functional types of components were used before and to stop the routing process to check it with query object.
Remembering the previous functional description when inserting a new one is context sensitive and recognizes different scenarios for insert valve, insert instrument, insert without pos-ID, into-line, as outlet or onto-line etc. It is now much easier to insert primary supports when the previous selection is the default or insert similar sleeves to cut pipes or weld sockets for instruments.
Customizable structural units
Users can extend the set of built-in templates by implementing custom templates with script programming. This allows templates for structural units to be made according to the required standard or supplier type. It requires some time for the administrator to define and set this up, but saves a significant amount of time for the every-day designer. It ensures that the correct types and parts are used for the structural units customized for the project and requires minimal input while designing in 3D.
When the script builds a structural unit, it typically prompts the designer for some run–time parameters like xyz points and directions, and fetches the static parameters, like Catalog Part Sizes, min/max values of run-time defined dimensions.
Documentation in HTML5 format and online
Version 2018T3 includes help documentation in HTML5 format. It works the same as before and is context sensitive. The user can press F1 in any context and get documentation related to the topic at hand. It opens in the default browser. The new format provides users with more flexibility and a modern look. Optimized search results based on filters lets users search only for topics from Diagram or script documentation. Additionally, users can benefit from online translation services, such as Google Translator to get a basic translation of any part of the documentation within a split second free of charge.
As a rule, we will keep online documentation up to date with the latest available customer release and update it with documentation on all newest features.
ECONOSTO catalog valves in example project library
As part of our example library expansion, we have cooperated with Econosto and added a full catalog of Econosto valves to the example project library. All valves and fittings made according to dimensions include attributes and a link to the Econosto webpage. When installing version 2018T3, it is possible at the same time to install an example project that is included in the installation package and copy valves to your library for further use.
Download the eBrowser file with full license to see the complete content of the Econosto valves library.
Shell application developments - Automatic Template Generation
The template wizard, introduced in 2016T3, is an interactive tool used to create template sets per shell plate and generate them ready for production. To reduce manual work, it is now possible to run this process automatically for all shell plates in a block. The System Management Application contains the default definition followed by the wizard and the new “Automatic Templates Generation” feature.
The feature displays all shell plates in the block and selects all shell plates that are eligible for processing. The “Code templates” option generates all the production data. The progress bar presents the process progress. Aborting the feature finishes the current template set.
The generated template set can be opened and changed as it was generated by the template wizard.
Flat shell plates will be excluded from the automatically generated selection list.
Profiles - Shell frame profiles
The Create Shell Frame command can be used to define the molded side of a shell frame so profiles and plates can be aligned easily.
Hull Lines
It is possible to get Weld symbols in all views. In all view creation and property panels “Hull line symbols” option is available.
The Hull line properties definition assists the user to make a distinction per line or line group. The symbols clearly explain the purpose of the Hull line in the view plane. With this useful information, the engineer and production staff can see the distinction between block seams, shell plate seams, paint lines or other function lines such as flat bottom or flat side lines.
In order to create these hull lines symbols more easily, the System management allows more extensions when opening hull models from norms.
Hull Clone
The weight of a ship is a crucial. For this reason, why we have created an extra functionality in the Hull Clone to retrieve the actual weight of a block or ship.
A shape change does not always effect all surface groups. To improve the modification process, a new function allows the user to import only one surface group.
The above features are very useful in basic design to recalculate the weight after a shape change. In the last user meeting, we demonstrated how Caeses utilizes our data to create variations.
Hull Viewer
It is possible to see all Collar plates in the Hull viewer. New for profile through profile connections.
Profile cross section marking
Assembling a large profile in a project requires extra support for production.
Marking lines for end connection of profiles to parts is now possible for complete production information. The system ignores profiles less than the minimum body height definition set in the system management application. Angle markings for bodies and flanges are available.
Shell frames as straight dxf file
It is possible to create straight shell frame cutting data from curved shell frames. This is required for clients that have cutting machines instead of robots. The profile endings are marked when extra length is required.
Extra length
With a setting in the system management application, the original contour of the plate is marked when extra length is added to the relation.
Extra angle indications
The system allows more variations in presenting angle markings on a shell plate to support better assembly information. It is possible to get angle markings at the start and end positions of connected parts and/or on the nearest grid position of the shell plate. Some results are presented below:
Information Management
New navigation possibilities in eBrowser – Game mode is on!
The new navigation mode allows the use of a WASD key for faster navigation. It works alongside arrows or mouse buttons. Additionally, there are several improvements for more intuitive navigation in 3D, including zooming by holding the middle button, the possibility to move in the XY-plane and improved pan navigation. By default, the new mode will be turned on in all new version installations, but if needed can be turned off in the settings.
Equipment connection points are visible in 3D
When published with the 3D model, connection points are visible in eBrowser. It makes it easy to snap to the connection while measuring distances or checking connections with pipes. Information about connection points is available with all other equipment data when details of the object are examined.
Additional tools for Model authoring
Several tools add the possibility to manage models in eBrowser and provide combined, reduced or modified models. Here is a full list of added functionalities:
- Preserve sub models separately when saving model
- Change visualization material of objects and branches of hierarchy
- Save model including only visible objects and excluding hidden objects
- Save without 3D space objects
- Save model excluding connections to node points
- Save model excluding insulation of objects
Free distance in 3D measuring tool and more
When measuring distances in 3D, it is sometimes difficult to see where the ends are if there are obstacles between objects. Small marks at the end of the measurement arrows show where the distance is measured from and an additional mark for pipes indicates that the second value in parentheses is a distance from a pipe surface. Axis measurements (d, dx, dy, dz) are shown immediately when the measurement is done.
Other additions include coordinate axes shown in the 3D view, the possibility to ignore hidden objects in collision detection tests, the possibility to change colors and group attributes imported in IFC imports and the possibility to open 3DD files directly in eBrowser.
eShare app – tailored for large 3D models
The eShare app is now available for all users and is recommended for use for large project models, especially for projects where some parts come from another software via converted models. The CADMATIC eShare App is a 64-bit Windows application that can be installed on an eShare client computer and connected to the required eShare server. The advantages of using eShare via an application instead of a web browser include support for very large 3D models and improved 3D visualization.
Collision detection in eShare app
A collision detection possibility has been added to the eShare app. It works the same way as in eBrowser and provides the possibility for quick clash checks or complete collision tests. This provide additional value for collision checks between imported 3D models from different suppliers or converted by eXchangers from different formats.
Using color coding in document link highlights in eShare
More colors are now available to convert drawings into easy-to-use and active interfaces to the 3D model. Links in documents can be highlighted with different colors based on the availability of the object in the 3D model. For the most sophisticated cases, links in documents can be highlighted with different colors based on their status in the chosen status tracking. The legend on the side indicates how colors are used.
Markups in eGo from eShare server
As the first step in implementing markups in eGo, it is now possible to load markups from eShare. A list of all the markups can be filtered and the markup itself can be viewed in 3D. The location of markup is also visible in the map.
CADMATIC FollowApp – get project statistics to the cloud and visualize in mobile app
CADMATIC FollowApp allows stakeholders of CADMATIC design projects to view various project metrics conveniently from their phone. These metrics, which include for example the total length of pipes, total mass of pipes and pipe fittings, and number of pipelines, are automatically uploaded at scheduled times from CADMATIC Plant or CADMATIC Outfitting projects.
The metrics are stored in a cloud service provided by CADMATIC. Publishing requires a valid CADMATIC Plant or CADMATIC Outfitting license. Actual design data is not published and only authenticated users can access the service. System Administrators can control who is allowed to use the app to access the metrics of a specific design project.