CADMATIC preserving Finnish Archipelago Sea

Posted on May 28, 2021

The Finnish Archipelago off the southwest coast of Finland is a national treasure worth preserving. It is the largest and most dense archipelago in the world, boasting over 41,000 islands. The Archipelago Sea area is part of UNESCO’s world-wide network of biosphere reserves.

This unique area is, however, threatened by a sick seabed and eutrophication (overgrowth) caused by nutrient washout. This is most visible during warm summer days when large swathes of toxic algae cover the water surface, preventing swimming and use of the water.

As part of the “My Nature’s Gift to Finland” programme, CADMATIC is supporting the fight to rehabilitate the Finnish Archipelago Sea and to preserve it for generations to come. The Finnish government has also come to the party, doubling private protected areas created by donations such as those received from CADMATIC.

At the end of April 2021, the Finnish government also announced that it will continue its increased level of funding for nature conservation for the following two years and closely monitor the progress of the Archipelago Sea program.

An intermediate goal is to get the Archipelago Sea off the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission’s hotspot list of worst polluters by 2027. To restore the area by 2029, all efforts need to be made to reduce runoff of nutrients, remove excess nutrients from the sea and land, and increase the whitefish fishing.

CADMATIC is proud to be doing it part to protect and preserve the Finnish Archipelago Sea.