CADMATIC 2019T1 Published
Posted on February 26, 2019
The CADMATIC Release 2019T1 has been published in the support portal. Version 2019T1 contains new tools for basic and production design and many additions to support users in everyday tasks.
An executive summary of the main highlights
- New tools to reuse parts of diagrams in other projects, auto-routing of pipe runs and multi-selection of objects in Diagram
- Follow-up of Diagram data and project status and data from eShare integrated to Diagram
- New spool tool for ultimate pipe production data
- The topology of equipment layout and compartments in Outfitting Basic Design
- More visual cues for pipe routing assistance
- Hull export to scantlings Mars 2000
- New possibilities for basic design and use of Hiltop module
- Additions to shell plates development and elongation lists
- More data is visible – object identifiers for 3D objects in eBrowser and eShare
- Point clouds in eShare and photographs and notes from the site with markups in eGo