This training is meant for production engineers. The duration of the training is two days. No specific knowledge about the software is necessary when participating in this course.
Elementary knowledge None
Total training days 2 days
Maximum participants 4 users
Day 1
- Introduction to Nesting and background
- User interface
- Part mode:
- Importing parts from the Hull system
- Creating / modifying geometry
- Cutting technology
- Nest mode:
- Plate, remnant, nesting and cutting terms
- Optimizing plate usage
- Cutting machine and definition of parameters
- Automatic nesting
- Optimization of cutting event
Day 2
- Nest mode:
- Use of remnants
- Use of the visual menu
- Part list window
- Flame mode:
- Lead in / lead out methods
- Bridges and ridges
- Manual / automatic creation of cutting path
- Remnants definition
- Post processors
- Output nest sheet / reports to printers / plotters
- Data transfer to cutting machine
- Modification of part geometry / quantity in a nesting
- Bevel cutting
- Import nesting information in Hull database