Pannon Engineering – Design of oil & gas plants and their subassemblies.

Compact, but hard-hitting

Oil & gas sector engineering company increases accuracy and speed of design with Cadmatic 3D plant design software.

Customer challenge

  • Growing demand from customers for improved design standards

Cadmatic solution

  • Implementation of Cadmatic 3D design speeds up and improves accuracy of design.

"Compared to our previous software, Cadmatic helps us to work faster and more accurately." – Zsolt Hadri

Does your engineering company also want to speed up design and improve accuracy? Contact us so we can show you how.

Pannon Engineering Ltd is a compact, but hard-hitting engineering company from Hungary. It is located on the western border of the country, in the cradle of the Hungarian oil industry. Since implementing Cadmatic in 2011, the company has reported efficiency gains and higher accuracy in its oil and gas engineering projects.

Pannon Engineering Ltd. was founded in 1999 by former em­ployees of MOL Nyrt, a Hun­garian multinational oil and gas company headquartered in Buda­pest, Hungary. Pannon Engineer­ing provides technological engi­neering, control engineering, and electricity supply design for the oil and gas sector.

The Pannon Engineering found­ers have a history in CAD de­sign predating the founding of the company. 

Before we started our compa­ny, we were already familiar with CAD methods, even though only 2D at the time. At Pannon Engineering, we saw a growing demand from our customers for improved design standards, which in practice meant that there was an increasing need for 3D design,” says Mr. Zsolt Hadri at Pannon Engineering.

Testing 3D design packages

Due to the growing demand for 3D design, Pannon Engineering started testing various 3D design packages from 2010. The com­pany’s main requirements were a well-organized and soundly built database that could speed up their engineering work. In 2011, they se­lected Cadmatic as their preferred design tool.

“Cadmatic helps us to work faster and more accurately.”
3D plant model
The Dew Control Module at the Oiltech Kft site before transportation.
Cadmatic lived up our expec­tations already in the first year. Its structure and database met our requirements, which opened the way to real 3D design. We use Cadmatic for the design of mod­ular skid-units and bigger plants. Compared to our previous software, Cadmatic helps us to work faster and more accurately. Any required rework and several variations can be done rapidly,” Mr. Hadri explains.

Pannon Engineering has used Cadmatic to design several smaller oil and gas industrial plants as well as their subassemblies.

“We use Cadmatic to design units like separators, heat-exchangers, manifolds, and heater skid units, but of course also for proper oil and gas plants like oil receiver and operation plants.”

Gas storage and gas handling station

The Konyár gas storage and gas handling station in northeast­ern Hungary is one of the plants that Pannon Engineering has de­signed recently with Cadmatic. The project was completed in 2018. The designed module sets the CH and water dew point of the handled gas to satisfy pipeline requirements.

The novelty in the design can be seen principally in how it con­trasts with traditional horizontal arrangements. Pannon Engineer­ing created a vertical arrangement for the design, which is the most suitable for the technology and space requirements. Another im­portant aspect was the compact implementation of the module. The module was implemented by Oiltech Ltd. See pictures.

3D plant model
3D model of gas storage and gas handling station.
Mr. Zsolt Hadri in his office
Mr. Zsolt Hadri, CEO at Pannon Engineering is happy with the efficiency gains Cadmatic has delivered at this company.

Interactive consultations with customer

“Cadmatic was a great help during the interactive consulta­tions with the customer on the Konyár project. It was fantastic to show the customer the ready tech­nological unit on the screen, which made the experience more realis­tic. The engineering work was also more interactive and trackable be­tween the contracting party and our company. We could send the 3D model to the contractor during the design phase, which helped us to reduce collisions,” says Mr. Hadri.

When asked about Cadmatic’s most useful features, Mr. Hadri in­dicates “the best part of Cadmatic is the grandiose 3D environment as well as the very efficient isomet­ric production and arrangement drawing production. The database can be expanded very quickly and simply and the material take offs are also rapidly created”.

Read more about Cadmatic plant design solutions

Read more about how Cadmatic's 3D plant design software can increase the accuracy and efficiency of plant design.