Meyer Turku Oy
Master class in distributing design across networked environments.
In 2008 CADMATIC News reported on how STX Finland’s Turku office was using CADMATIC software for the first time for the design and management of distributed design for the historic “Oasis Of The Seas and Allure Of The Seas”. The company (Meyer Turku since September 2014) has come a long way since then and distributed design has been entrenched in its way of working on large construction and design projects.
CADMATIC News spoke to CAD Development Manager at STX Finland Oy, Mr Pekka Puranen, about their way of working at STX Finland and how CADMATIC solutions have been implemented at the company.
According to Mr Puranen CADMATIC is clearly now the primary design software used at STX Finland and within its network of turnkey suppliers and subcontractors.
In general STX Finland completes basic design and then outsources construction of different areas, including design, to turnkey suppliers. Some detailed design is also outsourced to engineering companies. All of these companies work within the network environment that is managed by STX Finland with the help of the CADMATIC CoDesigner distributed design system

“On one of our recent projects, for example, we had about 150 designers from over 20 different companies working within the network simultaneously. The CADMATIC server located in Turku functions as the master database within the network from which replicas are created at suppliers’ design and construction sites. In some cases the suppliers create further replicas for design work that they outsource. eBrowser models of the designs are published automatically every second hour, which makes it easy for our employees as well as our turnkey suppliers to review and check the status of the project. The distributed design functionality of CADMATIC suits the STX Finland way of working very well and helps avoid the constant checking and coordination that would be required with an offline system”, Mr. Puranen highlights.
Splitting CADMATIC models for work breakdown
On a recent Viking Line project a new tool was used for the first time to split the CADMATIC model into a work breakdown structure. In practice this means that the model can be split down to the work breakdown for a single worker per day.
“Our model ‘knows’ how much time it takes to assemble a work package and can present the installation sequence with material information in such a way that materials are packed in exactly the order they are required”, Mr Puranen points out.
More CADMATIC licenses ordered
In September 2011 STX Finland purchased a large number of additional CADMATIC licenses (Diagram & 3D). The additional licenses were required not only to cope with increased project sizes, but also to allow for the greater amount of detail that STX Finland has planned to incorporate into basic design models.
eBrowser remains a favourite
When asked to name a specific CADMATIC tool that he uses Mr Puranen does not hesitate to mention the eBrowser:
“The eBrowser is a very good tool and easy to use. It is used by our project managers and supervisors all the way from the top down to the plumbers that install pipes. It is, for example, extremely easy to use the eBrowser to see how something should be built and one can also access detailed information about parts from the eBrowser.”
STX subcontractors working efficiently within networked environment
Koja Marine implemented CADMATIC for the first time on STX’s recent Viking Line project. It was responsible for the design, system delivery and commissioning of HVAC Systems. The family-owned company, which is part of Koja Group, was founded in 1935 and is the longest serving HVAC supplier in Finland and well known for its air-conditioning and air handling systems. Koja Marine purchased the CADMATIC licenses in February 2011 in order to participate in the Viking Line project. It outsourced the one-line drawing design of HVAC systems to another CADMATIC user, Rejlers Finland. Rejlers Finland is part of Rejlers Group and offers engineering, consultancy, and turnkey delivery services to its customers in a wide range of industries. According to Koja Marine Director, Esko Nousiainen, the company generally outsources one-line drawing design to subcontractors such as Rejlers that cooperate with STX, which allows Koja Marine to concentrate on its core competence. Koja Marine’s staff have nevertheless received training in the use of CADMATIC software and are in constant contact with Rejlers to check the design and to make modifications to the model.

One-line diagrams used to create 3D model
An interesting fact about the design work delivered is that one-line diagrams were for the first time drawn and delivered aside the 3D model on the Viking Line project.
“This was a massive change in our way of working. Usually the one-line diagrams are part of General Arrangement diagrams but on this project we worked within the model environment which is completely different. In our experience the use of 3D design tools avoid problems during installation. Modifications can be completed quickly in the model, which dramatically reduces misunderstandings. During installation you don’t need to refer to the as-built design, as it is completed exactly the way it is presented in the 3D model. It has made everybody’s life easier”, Mr Nousiainen indicates.

Single model in distributed network eases design work
Länsiviivain Oy became a CADMATIC customer at the beginning of 2011 and used the software actively for piping design on the STX Viking Line project. Länsiviivain specializes in piping and machinery area design and has been a regular supplier of design services since 1992. According to Länsiviivain CEO, Timo Mattila, the company purchased one CADMATIC license and rented a further 11 more in order to be part of STX’s CADMATIC network.
“Some of our employees had previous experience of working with CADMATIC , which helped us to get started. It made things a lot easier and we saved time with CADMATIC as we could all work in the same model with STX. CADMATIC is a very good tool for routing pipes and suits our company’s needs. It took some time to get used to producing the workshop drawings with CADMATIC, but that is working fine as well now”, Mr Mattila says.
According to STX Finland’s CAD Development Manager, Pekka Puranen, CADMATIC suits the STX Finland way of working very well and avoids the constant checking and coordination required for offline systems.
Customer testimonial video from Users' Meeting 2018: