Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company – Multi-purpose tug designed with Cadmatic

Boosting production information

Azerbaijani design institute improves quality and speed of creating working documentation

Customer challenge

  • Need to improve design efficiency and generate production information easily from 3D models.

Cadmatic solution

  • Link to production allows shipyard to quickly send workshop drawings to production. Drawings can be created in parallel with modeling.

“Cadmatic is one of the best available solutions in the field of marine design. It facilitates the work, significantly saves time, and accelerates the verification of changes.” – Oyrad Abdullayev, Director

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The Design Institute at Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ACSC) in Baku has been a Cadmatic user since 2017. The Institute cites improved quality and the speed of working documentation development as some of the key advantages of using Cadmatic software.

ACSC was established in 2013, when Azerbaijan’s two largest fleets – the Azerbaijan State Caspian Sea Shipping Company and the Caspian Sea Oil Fleet of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic – were merged. Its large fleet consists of over 264 vessels. The company also operates ship repair and construction yards in the city of Baku.

The Institute has notably designed sea and railroad crossings in Eastern and Western Europe. Today, it is also engaged in the design of seagoing vessels and hydraulic structures as well as the production of workshop documentation for shipyards, shipbuilding, and the installation of ship equipment.

Cadmatic implementation

According to Oyrad Abdullayev, Director at the Design Institute, they selected Cadmatic not only because it is simple to use and accurate, but also as they found the software to be faster compared to other marine design systems.

The institute also values the fact that Cadmatic offers a full range of solutions for circuit diagrams, general layout, piping, ventilation and air conditioning systems, electrical equipment and other equipment. 

“Cadmatic is one of the best available solutions in the field of marine design. It is effective and easy to use. The software tools have enabled our company to create complete and accurate 3D ship models. That’s why we chose Cadmatic software,” says Abdullayev.

Multi-purpose tug designed with Cadmatic

A recent project completed with Cadmatic software by the Institute is the design of a multi-purpose tug. It will be used to tow non-self-propelled vessels and floating structures.

3D ship model - behind
3D ship model - front

3D model image of a multi-purpose tug designed by the Institute. Above a model of the structure, outfitting and exhaust gas system and below a structural model.

The vessel has a single deck, a wheelhouse with a circular view, five watertight bulkheads and an engine room located in the aft. The tug’s towing complex is located in the stern of the vessel. The propulsion complex will provide five tons of traction and consists of one main engine with auxiliary mechanisms and one fixed-pitch propeller in the rotary nozzle.

Production information

The ability to generate production information with ease from the 3D model is a highly appreciated feature of the software at the Institute.

“The link to production allows us to quickly send workshop drawings to production. Before implementing Cadmatic, this required more time and attention. The synchronization between the model and drawings means that the drawings can be created in parallel with the modeling,” says Abdullayev.

Overall, Abdullayev is happy with the efficiency enhancements that Cadmatic has brought to the Institute’s operations. 

“Cadmatic facilitates the work, significantly saves time, and accelerates the verification of changes, if any are required.”
3D ship model - bottom

In addition to design applications, the Institute also uses Cadmatic’s eBrowser design review tool.

“We have been using eBrowser successfully in our projects. The final review allows users to go through the three-dimensional model, combine several models or make comparisons. We can also easily find and verify information about any block and control changes,” Abdullayev explains.

Asked about their future plans, Abdullayev indicates that the Institute intends increasing its number of Cadmatic licenses and adding new modules, in particular the nesting module.

Read more about Cadmatic solutions

Read how your design and engineering company can gain a competitive advantage with Cadmatic ship design solutions.