CADMATIC Electrical transformed the electrical design of T1 Mall of Tallinn
The electrical systems with the BIM model were designed with CADMATIC Electrical software.
CADMATIC Electrical's centralized data management was of critical importance in the design work of the electrical systems of T1 Mall of Tallinn shopping center. Through efficient collaboration and cutting-edge electrical design software, Melior Projekt OÜ streamlined processes, surpassed expectations, and brought advanced electrical design to life.
The winner of the best BIM project competition organized by the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering companies and the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications is the T1 Mall of Tallinn. T1 Mall of Tallinn, a new entertainment and shopping center was opened in the Ülemiste district of Tallinn. The electrical systems with the BIM model for the largest shopping center of Estonia with its gross area of 130,000 m2 were designed by Melior Projekt OÜ, a user of CADMATIC Electrical. The electrical design was created by a four-member design team, and according to Dmitri Gridin, the project manager of Melior Projekt, the speed of the design work was terribly high.
Centralized data management = efficient handling of daily design changes
Without CADMATIC Electrical, the design work of a project of such magnitude would have been a disaster because the initial data changed constantly as the customer was trying to take into account the tenants’ requests to the greatest possible extent. For the designer this meant, of course, that numerous additions and changes to the design had to be made on a daily basis, the project manager Dmitri Gridin admitted. It was due to the CADMATIC Electrical centralized data management that such a large-scale work could be completed successfully.
Automatic functions in the center
The fact that all the design data are manageable centrally is especially important about CADMATIC Electrical. For instance, if any data in the switchboard diagram are changed, you do not have to update the installation drawings manually and you can be sure that CADMATIC Electrical will update the installation drawings automatically. Similarly, it is always clear whether a cable group added to the installation drawing has already been added to the switchboard diagram or not. It is also important that all the available design information is displayed in a user-friendly manner in the project tree, which makes adding new data to the design very easy, Dmitri Gridin remarks.
Smooth device change behind the efficiency
Another example of the charms of the centralized data management that Dmitri Gridin brings out is the replacement of devices through the product model functionality. More than once it was necessary to change the product data of the lighting fixtures. For instance, replacing 1,640 safety lights needed only several clicks. The replacement can be done in the database or in a product model dialogue, but the symbols, models, product information and specifications of all the devices will be updated in an instant.
Routines are reduced when automation works
It was necessary to forward different specifications to the builders quite often, and these could be automatically created in CADMATIC Electrical. All the routine activities have been automated by CADMATIC Electrical, so there is more time to think about the system and the design work is more and more in the manner of drawing once and then starting to manage the data, Dmitri Gridin admits.
According to Kaljo Haavandi from company Teim Elekter, the electrical engineering consultant for the owner supervision of the development, the electrical design was prepared excellently despite a very tight schedule, and the designers found solutions for the changes very quickly and efficiently. According to Kristjan Müül, Sales Executive, Electrical & Automation Software of CADMATIC:
T1 is a good example where the designer’s strong professional competence, thorough software use skills and the CADMATIC Electrical data management enable relatively small designer teams to carry out large-scale complicated projects successfully.
The T1 Mall of Tallinn entertainment and shopping center with the gross area of 130,000 m2 was built by Merko Ehitus AS. The design work of the entire centers was performed in the BIM; in addition, the BIM model was used for the calculation of construction volumes, intersections checking, organization of procurements and work planning. The final construction costs of the building were 70 million euros, and there are more than 200 rental spaces in the center.
Read more about CADMATIC Electrical
CADMATIC Electrical is the first comprehensive database-based solution for the different design and documentation needs of electrical and automation engineering. Learn more about the electrical design with CADMATIC Electrical software.